Mesofauna biodiversity for assessing soil biological quality

2019, Events, News&Events

Mesofauna biodiversity for assessing soil biological quality

If you are interested in soils and biodiversity, dont miss the event Mesofauna biodiversity for assessing soil biological quality, where Excalibur will be presented. The seminar is organized on the occasion of World Soil Day and interested stakeholders are invited to attend it on 5th December at Campus of Sapienza University in Rome.

The event aims to share, between experts and non-experts, methods for assessing the soil quality by studying the edaphic fauna and, in particular, microarthropod communities, analyzing both their current applications and their growth prospects. Soil arthropods represent one of the most important component of soil biological community and play important role in the maintaining of soil quality and health, and in the provision of ecosystem services.

The programme of the event can be found here.

The seminar will be held in Italian language.

What does the World Soil Day mark?

World Soil Day (WSD) is an international day held annually on 5 December as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and advocating for the sustainable management of soil resources. This year the World Soil day’s (#WorldSoilDay) campaign is “Stop soil erosion, Save our future“. It envisages to raise awareness on the importance of sustaining healthy ecosystems and human well-being by addressing the increasing challenges in soil management and, raise the profile of healthy soil by encouraging governments, organizations, communities and individuals around the world to engage in proactively improving soil health.

Excalibur Project is also aiming to contribute in the field of soil management and sustainability. In the next five years, Excalibur’s partners will develop a comprehensive strategy of soil management improving the effectiveness of biocontrol and bio fertilization practices in agriculture.

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