Excalibur in Spain

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Excalibur in Spain

We are happy to announce that Excalibur project is going well, involving more and more activities and getting popular.

The project was recently introduced in the Spanish media by series of articles publishes on the local news channels.

Articles could be read on:

There is as well a special article dedicated to Excalibur on the website of University of Granada (UGR) here.

The researchers of UGR involved in the project are focusing their work on soil-plant-microbial interactions and on characterization of beneficial soil microorganisms for improved plant nutrition. They are also strongly involved in the development of formulations based on biopolymers for microbial-based fertilizers. This know-how will be strategic for the finalization of cultural methods of beneficial microorganisms and the optimization of the industrial processes for the formulation of bioinocula planned under WP2. Furthermore, UGR expertise in bio-based formulation will be exploited in tests under controlled conditions (Work Package 2) on products provided by the other partners within WP2, as well as in the experimental trials under open-field conditions (Work Package 3).

More about Excalibur work packages here.

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