H2020 Projects on Soil Management

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H2020 Projects on Soil Management

In the past years the importance of soil management has increased, inspiring different initiative by international organizations such as United Nations, FAO and the European Union. Soil is important resource, both directly and indirectly related to crop productivity, environment, sustainable development, and food safety. To address these issues, the European Union has undertaken different steps, for example supporting the developments of the LUCAS survey which for a first time in 2018 will include soil biodiversity analysis. The Commission is also sponsoring research and innovation project in the field of soil-management. Many H2020 projects cover the topics of soil fertility, soil formation and how the plans and soil interact.

The recent AGRI RESEARCH Factsheet published by the Commission shows 27 H2020 projects or expected grants with EU contribution of total of 199M Euro in the field of soil management.

The full brochure could be found here: https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/food-farming-fisheries/farming/documents/factsheet-agri-soils_en.pdf

Excalibur is proud to be in the list with the ambition to mark the road to a biodiversity-driven change in the soil management of crops. In order to go beyond the multitude of studies on the links between soil biodiversity and plant health, Excalibur will develop a comprehensive strategy of soil management improving the effectiveness of biocontrol and bio fertilization practices in agriculture. Excalibur’s multi-actor approach ensures that the project covers research and innovation actions, foster exchange of information, and brings practical solutions.

More information about the project, the working packaged and the partners could be found under the overview and relevant sections of this website.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media for more news on the project.

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