Horizon2020 Dashboard

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Horizon2020 Dashboard

The Horizon Dashboard is the H2020 digital tool for reporting. It is an interactive platform providing public access to data related to the execution of the programme – proposal, projects, and participants. The platform is built in user-friendly style and is being updated regularly.

Horizon Dashboard is not only a great tool for monitoring and statistics, but helps in identifying possible topics and partners for future project proposals. It allows for a search by country, type of organization or thematic priority. It also allows you to export data for your own analytical purposes.

How to find Excalibur?

The easiest way is to make a smart search through the search engine option which will perform a search in the entire database. Simply use the magnifying glass icon and type a key word in the search filed – for example project number 817946.  As the project advances, more data will appear, including information on activities such as publications.

For more practical tips on how to use Horizon Dashboard, please check this quick guide.

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