SAVE THE DATE: Biofumigation 7 Symposium

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SAVE THE DATE: Biofumigation 7 Symposium

The International Symposium Biofumigation #7 will take place in Switzerland between 30 March and 3 April 2020. The event aims to gather researchers, advisers and breeders from around the world for the exchange of knowledge on the use of plants and plant-derived products to improve soil-health-related biological, chemical and physical properties.

Soil health is one of the most important factors for a sustainable production of food with a high nutritional value. For the improvement and maintenance of soil health, the use of green manures, cover crops and plant-derived products play a central role.

The following seven topics will be discussed during the symposium:

◾ Biocidal green manures for pest, weed and disease control – Keynote speaker: Matthew Back (Harper Adams University, United Kingdom)

◾ Non-biocidal green manures and cover crops for pest, weed and disease control – Keynote speaker not yet named

◾ Cover crop x micro-organism interactions – Keynote speaker: Peter Bakker (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)

◾ Non-chemical bioproducts for biofumigation applications – Keynote speaker: Luca Lazzeri (CREA, Italy)

◾ Improvement of chemical and physical soil properties through cover cropping – Keynote speaker: Eric Justes (CIRAD, France)

◾ Use of plant-derived products (including compost) in crop production – Keynote speaker not yet named

◾ Breeding of green manures and cover crops – Keynote speaker: Michaela Schlathölter (PHPetersen, Germany)

The tentative programme for the symposium could be found here.

If you are interested in the event, check the official website for more information on registration abstract submission and accommodation. Please be aware that abstracts of oral presentations or posters can be submitted on the symposium website by 15th November 2019.

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