The Food and Agriculture Organisation seeks good digital practices and solutions in agriculture

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The Food and Agriculture Organisation seeks good digital practices and solutions in agriculture

It is nowadays common to implement innovative solutions everywhere but many of them could remain behind the scene especially in the field of agriculture. The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) gives now the chance to share your good or promising practices on the use of ICTs and digital innovations in agriculture or digital solutions.

The FAO, through its e-Agriculture Community of Practice, is calling its members to share experiences, solutions, lessons learned and recommendations on various digital agriculture-relevant topics. Among the topics are Forestry, Land and Water, Agricultural mechanization, Plant and Animal diseases, and many others.

You can share your best practices until 31 January 2020.

Selected Good Practices and related experiences will be published and shared to members of e-Agriculture Community as well as distributed through the community social media channels. The main objective is to allow members to take stock of existing good practices that have potential to be scaled-up in similar settings.

Additionally, submitted promising Digital Agriculture Solutions would be listed in the proposed e-Agriculture Solutions Database available to members. The proposed Digital agriculture practices and solutions should be useful and accessible to smallholder farmers.

You can find detailed guidelines on how to submit a good or promising practice here. You can also request support from the e-Agriculture platform or via email: e-agriculture@fao.org

You can read the detailed requirements for every topic and submission procedure here.

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