Webinar: Bioproducts For Organic And Integrated Management Of Horticultural Crops

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Webinar: Bioproducts For Organic And Integrated Management Of Horticultural Crops

A webinar on the topic “Bioproducts for organic and integrated management of horticultural crops: opportunities and challenges” was held on May 26, 2020,  by Prof. Eligio Malusá from the Research Institute of Horticulture. The webinar was held under the aegis of the Societa’ di Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana (SOI) – Working Group “Organic Agriculture and Agro-Ecology”. The event was dedicated to Italian researchers and students with the aim of presenting the work of EXCALIBUR project.

Issues arising from the use of biofertilizers and biopesticides in horticulture were presented, referring to the work and aims of EXCALIBUR. In particular, the presentation dealt with the main factors that influence the effectiveness of the bioproducts in the field: their formulation, the methods of application, the interactions with autochthonous microbial species and the effect of the agronomic practices (fertilization, irrigation, etc.). Participants of thirty researchers, students and advisors attended the webinar.

During the Q/A session, issues derived from the legislation governing the marketing of such products and interactions with microfauna (nematodes) were discussed with the participants.

Read more about EXCALIBUR project here.

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