Would you like to share your views on EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)?

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Would you like to share your views on EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)?

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the Common Agricultural Policy’s (CAP) impact on natural resources, including biodiversity, soil and water. The consultation will gather feedback from stakeholders and citizens on whether the measures are effective, efficient, in line with EU legislation and add value.

Representatives of the agri-food and forestry sectors, as well as national and regional authorities, advisory services, NGOs and the wider public have until 22 October 2020 to fill in the questionnaire.

The consultation covers the already-published studies on biodiversity and water, as well as the on-going evaluation support study on soil. All findings will feed into an upcoming Commission report that will evaluate the impact of the CAP on natural resources.

You can fill in the questionnaire here.

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