The University of Turin is among the top five in Italy and it includes AGROINNOVA center, which is mainly focused on applied research, knowledge and technology transfer, life-long learning and communication on up-to date topics in the agro-environmental and agro-food sectors.
The researchers involved in Excalibur are experts in plant pathology and pest management, development of diagnostics but also on biosecurity thus providing important support for the setup and development of the microbial-based products (WP2).
Moreover, they will host tomato and strawberry field-trials (WP1, WP3) and will strongly promote the innovation transfer both at national and international level with main stakeholders of the agri-food chain (WP6).
Excalibur prévoit d’approfondir les connaissances sur la dynamique de la biodiversité des sols et ses effets synergiques avec des approches prébiotiques et probiotiques.
Ce projet a reçu un financement du programme de recherche et d’innovation Horizon 2020 de l’Union européenne dans le cadre de la convention de subvention n° 817946. Notre site internet ne reflète que les opinions des auteurs et l’UE n’est pas responsable de l’utilisation qui pourrait être faite des informations qu’il contient.
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