Excalibur presented at XXII. Fair of Gardening and Agriculture

2019, Events, News&Events

Excalibur presented at XXII. Fair of Gardening and Agriculture

XLI Festival of Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables

Every year, on the third weekend of September, Skierniewice, also called the Capital City of Polish Horticultural Sciences, hosts the Festival of Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables. The event, which has been organised for more than 30 years, gathers thousands of people involved in horticultural production and gardeners from various regions of Poland.

This year the Festival took place on 14-15 September, giving opportunity to the visitors to become acquainted with new varieties of flowers, fruits and vegetables. The festival is accompanied by horticultural and agricultural fairs where new achievements in horticultural production are shown.

XXII. Fair of Gardening and Agriculture

On the first day of the festival, at the main scene of “XXII Fair of Gardening and Agriculture”, Dr Małgorzata Tartanus (PhD) introduced EXCALIBUR, its objectives and assumptions, and the major activities foreseen within the project. She gave a presentation titled “Improvement of biodiversity and pest management in fruit production” to the public. The participants expressed interest in the subjects, asking numerous questions, particularly on the use of microbial-based fertilizers and pesticides, and took part in the following conversation at the project’s stand.

For more information on Excalibur, check out the project overview and the related sections on the website.

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