H2020 Agri-ecological projects

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H2020 Agri-ecological projects

To address the changing needs of society, as well to tackle the environmental issues related to primary production, the European Union is sponsoring research and innovation in the field of agri-ecology. Many H2020 projects and topics cover both conventional and organic farming; but a good number projects are dedicated to organic farming particularly.

The recent AGRI RESEARCH Factsheet published by the Commission shows 41 H2020 projects or expected grants with EU contribution of total of 236M Euro for the period 2014-2020.

The full brochure could be found here: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/newsroom/image/document/2018-18/agri_factsheets_07_ecological-approaches_ok_1545C778-C5D7-AA24-163D1DD06A4CDF2F_51894.pdf

Excalibur is proud to be in the list with total budget of € 6 995 107,50. The project aims to deepen the knowledge on soil biodiversity dynamics and its synergistic effects with prebiotic and probiotic approaches in horticulture, using a multi-actor approach. It started in July 2019 and will run until May 2024. The sixteen partners are already working on selecting and preparing for the testing of three model crops of economic importance (tomato, apple, strawberry) under different experimental and open-field conditions across Europe.

More information about the project, the working packaged and the partners could be found under the overview and  relevant sections of this website.

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